
36,000 people came out to the Women’s March in Sacramento. We also had some of our CA D4 people in Tahoe and Nevada City.  The turnout in Sac was about 50% bigger than last year. Our banner group helped advertise on I-80 Millie Livingston

Luann, Leslye, Millie

MLK CelebrationOverpass signs to help pass the Dream Act

Happy New Beers Social

Indivisible Walks to Stock the Closet

Scott Johnson

March to Save DACA Lies, lies, lies…..alwaysResist Trump TuesdayLeslye, Daniella, Millie Candidates CA D1Candidates for CA D1We march to show our support.

I-80 Overpass Banners on Friday, April 14. Big Success, Great Turnout! Lots of supportive tooting horns and the rush hour crowds passed underneath the signs!

Join us every Friday at 4:30 at Bell Road cardboard recycling parking lot, just across Bell from the Park and Ride.  We are going to do this every week!!!

March to Save DACA Lies, lies, lies…..alwaysResist Trump TuesdayLeslye, Daniella, Millie Candidates CA D1Candidates for CA D1We march to show our support.

I-80 Overpass Banners on Friday, April 14. Big Success, Great Turnout! Lots of supportive tooting horns and the rush hour crowds passed underneath the signs!

Join us every Friday at 4:30 at Bell Road cardboard recycling parking lot, just across Bell from the Park and Ride.  We are going to do this every week!!!

Stalwart volunteers manned the overpasses with signs for 3 hours. It was windy and cold but they were dedicated and undeterred!

Trump Tuesdays!

March 22, 2017

Agree / Disagree signs keep us from getting rowdy!

The Ridge Water Seminar where all Republican Reps attended.

Indivisible Organizers. Thank you!